Hardware simulator does not start

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Hardware simulator does not start

Clicking .bat file causes a dos window to very briefly flash on.  Cannot read anything in it.  
Running latest Java version.   "You have the recommended Java installed (Version 7 Update 9)."  Have uninstalled previous versions.  
HP X-18 running Vista Home Premium, SP2.
I have deleted the extracted files and reinstalled into a new folder-same results.
Some help would be greatly appreciated.
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Re: Hardware simulator does not start

Got it!  Path environmental var was screwed up. (why does this not set up with install?)  Java wasn't starting when the batch file ran.  Thanks for any trouble this caused..
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Re: Hardware simulator does not start

indianajones wrote
Got it!  Path environmental var was screwed up. (why does this not set up with install?)  Java wasn't starting when the batch file ran.  Thanks for any trouble this caused..
Could someone please explain what is needed for Path environmental var?

Do I need to be a Java expert?
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Re: Hardware simulator does not start

Windows 7 user.

I'm not sure if this is the correct way to do it, but it starts the Java application Hardware Simulator.

Start Command Prompt, see "c:\Users\George>" prompt.

1. I made a text file, with one line:
cd c:\nand2tetris\nand2tetris\tools\
then saved it as c:\Users\George\nand2tetris.bat

2. Start Command Prompt

3. Enter nand2tetris, which changes the prompt to  c:\Nand2Tetris\nand2tetris\tools>

4. Enter hardwaresimulator, starts Hardware Simulator

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Re: Hardware simulator does not start

In reply to this post by indianajones
Well. This work for me:

From this page I downloaded "jdk-7u17-windows-x64.exe" (I have Windows 7 64-bits) from  << Java SE Development Kit 7u17 >>. After double-clicking and installing it all running without problems.

Running .bat files from the "tools" directory works now.

Sorry my english. I hope this helps you. Best wishes!
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Re: Hardware simulator does not start

Benjamin wrote
Running .bat files from the "tools" directory works now.
thanks Benjamin.

So there's 2 steps:
1. Install Java (one-time)
2. Click on bat file in folder Tools from Nand2Tetris book. (much easier than my earlier suggestion).