High DPI Scaling problems with 4k screens

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High DPI Scaling problems with 4k screens

I have followed the solution given here for fixing high dpi scaling problems, and it has fixed my problem for every other java program except for the ones provided in the software section.

on the left is the window when it opens by default, and on the right is what happens if i try to make it full screen.

If any more information is needed, please let me know and I would be happy to add it.
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Re: High DPI Scaling problems with 4k screens

Try to do the same thing for javaw.exe as well, as this is the one run by the bat files.
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Re: High DPI Scaling problems with 4k screens

I did this same thing for all of the Java exe files in the correct folder, and then restarted the computer. It had no effect. 

On Fri, Jan 11, 2019, 2:19 AM ivant [via Nand2Tetris Questions and Answers Forum] <[hidden email] wrote:
Try to do the same thing for javaw.exe as well, as this is the one run by the bat files.

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Re: High DPI Scaling problems with 4k screens

In reply to this post by ivant
I changed the settings for javaw.exe, java.exe, javaws.exe, and javacpl.exe. None of them fixed the problem. My teacher suggested that it had something to do with the font styles that the program chose to use, but i was unable to find anything.