How do I fully access the VMEmulator on Mac OS? It does not display full error messages and my programs do not have complete access to the screen. I want to utilize the full 256x512 screen for my Chapter 9 project, which includes using Output.printString() to communicate with the user.
I am using a MacBook Pro running High Sierra Version 10.13.6. Functions such as Output.printString(“Hello, world”) return the error message, “A built-in function tried to access memory outside the Heap or Screen range.” The lowest row a pixel can be placed is 255 and the furthest column is around 127.
Only Output.println() works properly. I have tried using Output.moveCursor() to place the cursor somewhere the screen has dropped pixels but the following error arises: “The built-in implementation of moveCursor caused an exception: java.Lang.NullPointerException.”
Please, help me determine how to use the Output library functions with he VMEmulator and how to make the VMEmulator more compatible with my computer. Thank you.