What's the last link (Nabble something), I can't get it to work...
Not knowing anything about Ruby, that's a "Forum porter" or something?
I don't want to shoot anyones ideas down in smoke, but it's not like this forum gets loads of use, maybe a question a week at the most (better than the gmp mail list, which is one a month, (hence the mail list)).
I agree it's a bit janky, but better than nothing.
Also, just because it looks easy to do doesn't mean it is easy to do (but I fully accept that that might be me, I had something that should have been minor, but it turned into something that ate a day, mind you it was SublimeText so maybe no surprise). There's always time eating clitches.
Having said all that, would it be possible to do a dry run, and have the two site running simultaneously, just as a check? or am I trying to breathe life into an idea that shouldn't be...
Does anyone have any idea about the website change of address, bet folks aren't getting here coz of that ? (sorry change of subject)