Mux Help

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Mux Help

I have gotten up to Mux pretty smoothly, but the introduction of a 3rd input has left me frustrated.  I'm not sure how to even approach this puzzle.  I understand (I think) that the the canonical representation of Mux can be desribed:

X(not)YZ(not)+XYZ(not)+XY(not)Z+XYZ  - Is this starting off point correct? (4 Nots, 8 Ands, 3 Ors)

Up till now, all the Parts have been with 2 inputs that Nand and others have in its parameters.  Can Nand, Not, And, Or, and Xor have more than 2 inputs intrinsically?  In the Mux template there are 3 inputs, just having trouble on how to reconcile that with what up until now has been limited to 2 inputs.  During the Test, how is the third input incorporated if all the parts accept only 2 inputs?  Any guidance is sincerely appreciated.

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Re: Mux Help

moarmango wrote
I have gotten up to Mux pretty smoothly, but the introduction of a 3rd input has left me frustrated.  I'm not sure how to even approach this puzzle.  I understand (I think) that the the canonical representation of Mux can be desribed:

X(not)YZ(not)+XYZ(not)+XY(not)Z+XYZ  - Is this starting off point correct? (4 Nots, 8 Ands, 3 Ors)
Your canonical expression for Mux is correct, but it would be clearer to use the actual signal names and write it as
    out = a b sel + ~a b sel + a ~b sel + a b ~sel.
Search the forum for "Karnaugh map" to learn about a tool that can help you simplify the canonical expression.
Up till now, all the Parts have been with 2 inputs that Nand and others have in its parameters.  Can Nand, Not, And, Or, and Xor have more than 2 inputs intrinsically?  In the Mux template there are 3 inputs, just having trouble on how to reconcile that with what up until now has been limited to 2 inputs.  During the Test, how is the third input incorporated if all the parts accept only 2 inputs?  Any guidance is sincerely appreciated.
Suppose that you want to write a 3-input And gate. It will have three declared inputs
    INPUT a, b, c;

And the HDL that implements out = (a b)c would be
    And (a=a, b=b, out=ab);
    And (a=ab, b=c, out=out);

The And.tst script would have lines in it like
    set a 0, set b 1, set c 0,
    eval, output;
that manipulate the 3 inputs to the chip.

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Re: Mux Help

Thank you for the reference to the Karnaugh map, and shining a light on how to develop 3+ input gates.  Just so that I know I am going in the right direction, what is the minimum number of gates required for Mux?  I was able to do it with six (using Karnaugh wiki), but something tells me there is a way for it to be simplified further.  If that is the case, and I continue to use sub optimal implementation, will it gum up the works in future projects?
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Re: Mux Help

Suboptimal implementations are not a problem. You do the projects in independent subdirectories so that each project uses the built-in version of chips from earlier projects. It is possible to copy your project 1 HDL files into project 2, but this will not work for project 3 because the RAM chips get huge in a hurry and the simulator runs out of memory.

You can get the Mux down to 4 gates, but don't worry about optimization now. It's more important to get everything working first. After you have more experience you can revisit your earlier work and optimize.

Hint: although it's possible to design Mux4Way using canonical form and Karnaugh maps, it's a much smaller implementation if you figure out how to build it using multiple Mux parts.
