Albert wrote
I'll give you a hint. For implementing the Mux4Way16 chip is only necessary five Mux16 chips.
Think about it a bit more -- you can do it with 3 Mux16 chips. Think about trees and symmetry.
Mux8Way16 can be made with 3 chips, too.
Re: Veneficus' Mux4Way:
You don't need to make your own 0 and 1; read Appendix A, A.5.2.
And(a=First, b=Left, out=Left1);
And(a=Third, b=Left, out=Left2);
//If it is left, which one?
And(a=Left1, b=Left2, out=WhichLeft);
Aren't Left1 and Left2 exclusive? Only one of them can be 1 so WhichLeft is always 0.