seems i have a knot in my brain. I am trying to implement the Mux4Way16. In my head it only makes sense to use the second bit of the sel for choosing within the groups. The first bit (so sel[0]) needs to be used to decide between the two groups.
So this is my thinking:
Mux16(a=a, b=b, sel=[1], out=Muxab) \\First select the winner of the first group using the second bit
Mux16(a=c, b=d, sel=[1], out=Muxcd) \\Then select the winner of the second group using the second bit
Mux16(a=Muxab, b=Muxcd, sel=[0], out=out) \\ Feed in winners of each group into the 'final decider' and use the first bit to decide
However, this fails and the opposite solution works. I just cannot merge this with my logic. Can someone help me out?