bubbathefrog wrote
I have been trying to upload my chip into the program. However, every time I run the program for some reason it will replace the chip I made with the original chip without the code added and I can't figure out for the life of me why. Can someone please respond quickly so I don't feel like I am going insane.
Are you saying that your source files are being changed? That, for instance, you edited Not.hdl and you tried to load it into the Hardware Simulator, and when you opened it again in your editor the changes were gone?
Or are you saying that when you load your edited Not.hdl the Hardware Simulator displays the original unedited version?
One thing that I've seen causing confusion is that if you are making your changes in a subdirectory, for instance projects/01/mychips and you load projects/01/mychips/Not.hdl it will work, but when you run projects/01/Not.tst the test will reload Not.hdl from its directory—projects/01—which contains the unmodified file.
What operating system are you using?
What is the full path to your nand2tetris directory?