My Xor file doesn't work and how can I edit hdl files?

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My Xor file doesn't work and how can I edit hdl files?

My Xor looks different then the one in the book and is acting like an AND gate. only outputting 1 if a and b are 1
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Re: My Xor file doesn't work and how can I edit hdl files?

Joshy wrote
My Xor looks different then the one in the book and is acting like an AND gate. only outputting 1 if a and b are 1
So you implemented something different than the circuit shown and it behaves differently. That doesn't seem too surprising.

How can anyone provide comments or feedback on what you've done or why it is behaving the way that it is when all you've given us to work with is that it is different that the Xor implementation in the book? Perhaps what you implemented behaves like an And gate because what you implemented is an And gate.

As for editing .hdl files, they are simply text files, so edit them with any text file editor, such as Notepad or Notepad++ or whatever comes with your (unstated) operating system. Don't use a document editor like Word as these files are NOT saved as text files.
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Re: My Xor file doesn't work and how can I edit hdl files?


sorry i meant to add this. thanks for the speedy reply
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Re: My Xor file doesn't work and how can I edit hdl files?

I still couldn't help you troubleshoot your design since I can't see what your design is.

But you have a bigger problem that is staring you in the face in big, red, print.

Do you see where it says, "Chip Not is not found in the working and built in folders: load Xor.hdl"

That means pretty much what it says. In trying to perform the command "load Xor.hdl" (highlighted in yellow), it needed the chip called "Not" and it couldn't find it.

Have you implemented the Not chip yet?