It's very important to make the chips in the order listed in section 1.3.
This is because the later chips you make require the use of earlier chips you made.
What you need to put in the PARTS: section of your And.hdl is a combination of Nand and Not parts. Nand is a built-in part, but you need to have built and tested Not.hdl before writing And.hdl.
Not.hdl can only use the built-in Nand part. It will look like this:
CHIP Not {
IN in;
OUT out;
Nand(a=something, b=something, out=something);
I leave it to you to determine what the
somethings need to be.
Once Not is passing its test, then write And using Not and Nand. Hint: Nand is a combined And and Not operation. How do you undo the Not?