Newbie/Please Help/Software Suite Problems

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Newbie/Please Help/Software Suite Problems

Apologize if this has been dealt with separately and individual links.  I am very excited for this class and have tried to begin with Hardware Simulator problem solution.

Unfortunately, downloading the software suite to EITHER Mac OS X 10.8.5 OR Windows 7 Professional SP1 yields the same bug/issue in the Hardware Simulator on my end.  Namely, the horizontal scrolling in the HDL window doesn't work properly and alot of the code/comments are truncated/unreadable.  Appears to me that I cannot really proceed with the problem sets and am missing information - especially as the chips get more complex.

I'm also concerned that if there's bugs this early in the situation - noting my hardware setup, that I'm going to encounter further problems throughout the course.

I checked many of the forums and it sounds like there are some complicated workarounds, code snippets to fix the source code and recompile from JDK - all of which is not necessarily something that I understand or am clear on best solution, given the variety of different responses/comments.

So, is there an update software suite to download and install - either from the Nand2Tetris authors - or from a user, who has compiled all of the various bug fixes and published a patch/revision to the suite?  I don't think I'm the only user experiencing these problems.  Perhaps maintained somewhere on a 3rd party website or Github?

Please advise.  I'm candidly overwhelmed by the nature of the comments in the forum and looking for a clear next step/solution.

Any advice/feedback would be much appreciated.

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Re: Newbie/Please Help/Software Suite Problems

Horizontal scrolling is a bug caused by newer versions of Java.

The good news is that you can get by without it. The HDL window in the hardware simulator is not used for writing your HDL. You use your favorite text editor for that. Also for most of the parts you will design, you don't need horizontal scrolling to see the test results. In the few cases where test results are wider that the output window, you can compare the *.cmp and *.out files using your text editor. If you use a program like WinCmp to compare the .cmp and .out files, this works even better that flipping between compare and output files in the simulator.

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Re: Newbie/Please Help/Software Suite Problems

Thank you for the help.  This workaround solves my issues.

Appreciate the assistance.
