This slight speed advantage of Nand over Nor only applies to CMOS, where it's easy to make both Nand and Nor. 30+ years ago when I was learning all this, the most prevalent logic was TTL which only had N-input Nand as its primitive gate, and if you needed very high speed you used ECL which only had Nor. Who knows what the world will look like 30 years from now.
For the purpose of the Nand2Tetris course, I think that adding a Nor built-in as an alternate primitive gate would just add confusion. In my Hack Computer there are only two instances where I have an Or followed by Not, so I also don't think that it's justified to add Nor to the list of Project 1 synthesized gates.
Real world hardware implementation is also not a concern of this course. For instance, nobody implements Xor on an IC using Nand/Nor; nor would they implement Or8Way using a tree of 2-input Ors.
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