What's HappeningI receive an error when attempting to run the test files Mult.asm and Fill.asm for project 4, in version 2.7 of the Nand2Tetris software package with the message:
/nand2tetris/projects/04/mult/Mult.hack doesn't exist
Expected BehaviorRunning the respective test scripts against the Mult.asm and Fill.asm projects loads the `.asm` files successfully.
AnalysisIn version 2.7 of the Nand2Tetris software package project 4, the machine language project, test scripts mult.tst and fill.test both refer to `.hack` file extensions when the files under test should have `.asm` file extensions.
Snippet of Mult.tst file:
// This file is part of www.nand2tetris.org
// and the book "The Elements of Computing Systems"
// by Nisan and Schocken, MIT Press.
// File name: projects/04/mult/Mult.tst
// Tests the Mult.hack program in the CPU emulator.
load Mult.hack,
Changing the `load Mult.hack` to `load Mult.asm` allows the Mult.tst test script to run as expected.
Similar results are observed when changing the Fill.tst test script.