svnand2tetris wrote
Done all the reading, prep, tutorials, appendixes for Chapter one... ready for project 1.
I have a few question that appear to be obvious to others but not to me, lol!
1) Do I have to load both the Xxx.hdl file and test file script in order to do the work? When I edited and reloaded the And.hdl file, it wouldn't load with my changes.
Use the File>Load Script menu command or the

button to load the test script.
Run the test an it will load the HDL file. The HDL file needs to be in the same directory as the test script.
Note that you need to build the chips in the order they are presented in section 1.2. The supplied skeleton files do not include implementations so you can't use Not to make an And until you have build and tested Not.
Error messages are presented in the status line at the bottom of the simulator's window. If the simulator hangs saying "Loading chip..." you probably have a circular definition -- your Not.hdl has a Not(...) in its Parts section, for example.
2) Is there at least one or two example answers of the results so I know if I'm thinking this correctly? I know this seems to be simple, and I think it is, but for some reason in working with the first chip (And.hdl), I don't know if I should only have 1 part, 2, 3, (i.e. Not, And, Or).
In general, we don't want working solutions posted to the forum; we want students to learn by discovery.
Look at project 0. There is a working Xor.hdl there. Also appendix A.1 presents an example HDL.
If you want more explicit help, email me what you have for Not.hdl and And.hdl and I'll get you started.