Really not understanding Mux4Way16 design

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Really not understanding Mux4Way16 design

Hi, loving the course so far, but I've found it really challenging and I'm falling behind despite putting many hours into it already and having been coding for years. I'm not one to give up, so I'm looking for some help in understanding the architecture of Mux4Way16. In my searching on here I've discovered that others have built it using just 3 Mux16s. I was blown away. How did people come to discover this? I know that we have been kind of building on previous chips, but I just couldn't find a way to build it with just Mux16 and end up with like 18 chips and it not working correctly despite spending many hours retrying different designs (a lot of And, Not, Xors, with some Mux16, mostly).

Could someone explain to me step by step how they thought through this process? I think that would help me immensely.
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Re: Really not understanding Mux4Way16 design

   sel    |
[1]   [0] | out
     .- - - - -.
 0   . 0  |  a .
 0   . 1  |  b .
     .- - - - -.
 1   . 0  |  c .
 1   . 1  |  d .
      - - - - -.
I first look for patterns.  In this case I see two 2-way multiplexors when the
sel[1] column is ignored.

I also see that sel[1] chooses between the two 2-way muxes.


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Re: Really not understanding Mux4Way16 design

This post was updated on .
Yeah, I'm having trouble with this one as well. My brain is fried.

If we ignore the 16 bit buses, do you mean something like this?

Thank you.

 EDIT: Removed HDL code.

Thank you.
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Re: Really not understanding Mux4Way16 design

bigmit37 wrote
If we ignore the 16 bit arrays for second, do you mean something like this?
(I find it works better to think of buses as bundles of wires, rather than arrays.)

Yes, that's exactly correct (ignoring the syntax errors 8-). Do the same thing starting with the Mux4Way16 template and use Mux16 instead of Mux.

Please edit your post to remove the HDL.
