Return code or Call code not working, cont.

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Return code or Call code not working, cont.

Here is the (Java) code I have for call, function, and return.

case "call":
        _ASMcommand = comment
                + "//->push returnAddress\n"
                + "@retAddr"+_count+ "\nD=M\n@SP\nA=M\nM=D\n@SP\nM=M+1\n"
                + "//->push LCL\n"
                + "@LCL\nD=M\n@SP\nA=M\nM=D\n@SP\nM=M+1\n"
                + "//->push ARG\n"
                + "@ARG\nD=M\n@SP\nA=M\nM=D\n@SP\nM=M+1\n"
                + "//->push THIS\n"
                + "@THIS\nD=M\n@SP\nA=M\nM=D\n@SP\nM=M+1\n"
                + "//->push THAT\n"
                + "@THAT\nD=M\n@SP\nA=M\nM=D\n@SP\nM=M+1\n"
                + "//->ARG=SP-5-nArgs\n"
                + "@SP\nD=M\n@5\nD=D-A\n@"+_VMcommand.substring(_VMcommand.lastIndexOf(" ")+ 1, _VMcommand.length()) + "\nD=D-M\n@ARG\nM=D\n"
                + "//->LCL=SP\n"
                + "@SP\nD=M\n@LCL\nM=D\n"
                + "//->goto functionName\n"
                + "@"+_VMcommand.substring(_VMcommand.indexOf(" ")+ 1, _VMcommand.lastIndexOf(" ")) + "\n0; JMP\n"
                + "//->(returnAddress)\n"
                + "(retAddr"+_count+ ")\n";
case "function":
        _ASMcommand = comment
                + "("+_VMcommand.substring(_VMcommand.indexOf(" ")+ 1, _VMcommand.lastIndexOf(" "))+ ")\n"
                + "//->initialize n\n"
                + "@" + _VMcommand.substring(_VMcommand.lastIndexOf(" ")+ 1, _VMcommand.length())
                + "\nD=A\n@n" + _count + "\nM=D\n"
                + "//->while n!=0\n"
                + "(LOOP" + _count + ")\n@n" + _count + "\nD=M\n@END" + _count + "\nD;JEQ\n"
                + "//->push 0\n"
                + "@0\nD=A\n@SP\nA=M\nM=D\n@SP\nM=M+1\n"
                + "//->n--\n"
                + "@n" + _count + "\nM=M-1\n@LOOP" + _count + "\n0;JMP\n(END" + _count + ")\n";
case "return":
        _ASMcommand = comment
                + "//->endFrame = LCL\n"
                + "@LCL\nD=M\n@endFrame"+_count+"\nM=D\n"
                + "//->retAddr=*(endFrame-5)\n"
                + "@5\nA=D-A\nA=M\nD=M\n@retAddr"+_count +"\nM=D\n"
                + "//->*ARG=pop()\n"
                + "@SP\nM=M-1\nA=M\nD=M\n@ARG\nA=M\nM=D\n"
                + "//->SP=ARG+1\n"
                + "@ARG\nD=M+1\n@SP\nM=D\n"
                + "//->THAT=*(endFrame-1)\n"
                + "@endFrame"+_count+"\nA=M-1\nA=M\nD=M\n@THAT\nM=D\n"
                + "//->THIS=*(endFrame-2)\n"
                + "@endFrame"+_count+"\nD=M\n@2\nA=D-A\nA=M\nD=M\n@THIS\nM=D\n"
                + "//->ARG=*(endFrame-3)\n"
                + "@endFrame"+_count+"\nD=M\n@3\nA=D-A\nA=M\nD=M\n@ARG\nM=D\n"
                + "//->LCL=*(endFrame-4)\n"
                + "@endFrame"+_count+"\nD=M\n@4\nA=D-A\nA=M\nD=M\n@LCL\nM=D\n"
                + "//->goto retAddr\n"
                + "@retAddr"+_count+"\n0;JMP\n";
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Re: Return code or Call code not working, cont.

I'll take a look at the Java in a bit.  Could you email me the compete NestedCall.asm (or Sys.asm depending on how you generated it) file. It might be easier to step through the return code to see where it went wrong.

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Re: Return code or Call code not working, cont.

In reply to this post by ShiraJoseph
You can save a lot of RAM by using R13 and R14 for FRAME and retAddr in the return code.
//->endFrame = LCL
These temporaries are only used during the return code so they don't need to be unique.

The real cool thing about this is that then the return code is identical for all instances of return.  You can put a ($RETURN) label at the start of it the first time you generate it and all other returns only need to jump to that label!

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Re: Return code or Call code not working, cont.

In reply to this post by ShiraJoseph
Look reallly close at all your D=M instructions.  There are at least 2 of them that should be D=A in the call code.

                + "//->push returnAddress\n"
                + "@retAddr"+_count+ "\nD=A\n@SP\nA=M\nM=D\n@SP\nM=M+1\n"
                + "//->ARG=SP-5-nArgs\n"
                + "@SP\nD=M\n@5\nD=D-A\n@"+_VMcommand.substring(_VMcommand.lastIndexOf(" ")+ 1, _VMcommand.length())
                + "\nD=D-A\n@ARG\nM=D\n"

I haven't looked closely at the function or return code yet.

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Re: Return code or Call code not working, cont.

In reply to this post by ShiraJoseph
Return has a problem with all of its
implementations.  They are doing double dereferencing, that is **(endFrame-n).

There is also a problem with the jump to the return address.  The correct return address value is in retAddr_n, but you are not using it correctly.

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Re: Return code or Call code not working, cont.

Ok, ok, I see; I was treating retAddr and endFrame as variables, stored in its own RAM.  But in fact, those variables are virtual machine side only; from the vm's perspective, it is saying "use this address number," not "use this variable for your address number."
Reading through the other things you mentioned now.
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Re: Return code or Call code not working, cont.

This post was updated on .
In reply to this post by cadet1620
My "call" starts exactly like this:
+ "//->push returnAddress\n"
+ "@retAddr"+_count+ "\nD=A\n@SP\nA=M\nM=D\n@SP\nM=M+1\n"
The problem is that on CPU emulator the address becomes @73 and then A=73 and the ARG is wrong at the end of NestedCall test (RAM(5) I am getting 5 instead of 135). I had no problem with SimpleFunction and Call.
Please help. What am I doing wrong?