Simplifying the canonical representation

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Simplifying the canonical representation


Chapter 1 shows you the value of Canonical representation as a formal way to come up with circuit designs.

If like me the first time you try this you come up with a working design with a very large number of gates your next question is what is the formal method for reducing/simplifying your canonical representation.

I found this excellent reference explaining how.

Not only does it break down all the rules for simplification but it gives functional example with logi gates as to why each rule works. Nice stuff.

Hope this helps others like my that skipped high school maths lessons. :-)

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Re: Simplifying the canonical representation

Thanks for this, very useful!
I realized there was a gap in my Boolean algebra when I was was trying to figure out how to reduce the Xor gates from 5 to 4, as mentioned in the book in section 1.1.2.
Using DeMorgan's theorem you can simplify the logic and lose one Not gate - very satisfying!