Software download fails with 500 server error

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Software download fails with 500 server error


I am trying to download the software via the link from the website ( Unfortunately Google shows me this error when opening the download link on google drive:

500. That’s an error.

There was an error. Please try again later. That’s all we know.

Could you please check the download?

Thank you very much!
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Re: Software download fails with 500 server error

Which website has the link you are trying to use?
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Re: Software download fails with 500 server error

The original nand2tetris website: which links to this google drive.
Is this link working for you?

Edit: So today the link worked, seems like there was an issue on the Google servers.
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Re: Software download fails with 500 server error

I think it was a transient problem.

When I tried the link you included yesterday I got the 500 error, but today it is working.