Hello, recently I have desired to learn of how a computer is built, and my research has led me to the Nand2Tetris course which so far I am finding quite informative. However, I have ran into a problem.
The problem is that the hardware simulator from the official website can not show two sections including HDL and Internal parts on the interface.
I have searched the solution for 2 hours on the website and I did not find out the same problem.And I read the tutorial and the appendix carefully and it didn't help.I tried to download again but also failed.
Maybe I made a little but normal mistake,so I did not notice?
Here is the screen shot of the software.

Here is the screenshot of the tutorial interface.

I would greatly appreciate any solutions to this problem I am having. Thank you for your precious time!
P.S. I am really sorry for asking this question which I'm sure you must answer rather frequently on these forums, but I couldn't seem to find a solution in the existing threads.