Thank You

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Thank You

I'd like to thank the Authors (noam nisan and shimon schocken) of TECS for setting up this wonderful project and offering it free.

I have learned so much by going through each chapter and it answered the biggest questions I had since my first CS class.  Despite completing all the classes, none of it was connected enough to show the big picture.  

Now that it is all complete I see the big picture and it feel good!

Thank you

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Re: Thank You

I'd also like to add my thanks. I've designed a few cpus in the past using VHDL and verilog, using Xilinx tools (as well as manual floorplanning, simulation, etc.) There is a fun book, which also attempts to teach novices about cpu design, called "Bebop Bytes Back: An Unconventional Guide to Computers" by Clive Maxfield and Alvin Brown. For those interested in this class, Bebop Bytes Back is also a great resource to help visualize and understand aspects of cpu design. I'd consider it useful, supplemental material to this course (not in any way an alternative, though.)

So thanks to the team and to others who are contributing to the efforts here. Sincere thanks to all for helping make this as accessible as it already is.

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Re: Thank You

Jason Toams
In reply to this post by virote328
Thank you author,Thank you very much for helping me reshape the weak underlying computer architecture. Thank you very much, and I am very grateful to all of you for your wonderful questions and wonderful responses from Mark, TA, etc.