The software does not seem to work on my computer.

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The software does not seem to work on my computer.

 The software does not seem to work on my computer. What should I do?
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Re: The software does not seem to work on my computer.

Shimon Schocken
First, make sure your computer contains a Java Run-Time Environment, version 1.3.1 or later. To test which Java version is presently installed on your computer, type "java -version" at the DOS/shell level. To download a suitable JRE, visit

Second, if your computer contains a JDK (Java Development Kit), make sure that the "bin" directory of the JDK (usually something like JDK...\bin) is included in the PATH system variable on your computer. Also, make sure that the CLASSPATH system variable contains the tools.jar file, which is located in the "lib" directory of the JDK.

Changing system variables in Windows is done by invoking the Control Panel and updating the variable line in System->Advanced->Environment Variables. In older versions of Windows, up to and including Win98, it is done in the "set <variable-name>=..." line in the c:\autoexec.bat file.
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Re: The software does not seem to work on my computer.

In reply to this post by Hugo
Hugo, please be sure to be more specific about your problem. What command are you executing, and what is the error output? "Does not work" can mean many things.