Tick, Tock, and the Hardware Simulator Output

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Tick, Tock, and the Hardware Simulator Output

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[The built-in sequential parts — Register, ARegister, DRegister, PC, RAMxx and Screen — do not behave as described in this post. See the following post.]

Here is an experimental circuit that shows what the Hardware Simulator is displaying in response to "tick" and "tock". This circuit toggles the DFF if in is 1.

xor-dff circuit
CHIP XorDff {
    IN in;
    OUT xorOut, dffOut;
    Xor(a=in, b=xorIn, out=dffIn, out=xorOut);
    DFF(in=dffIn, out=xorIn, out=dffOut);
And the test file and output for every output command.
load XorDff.hdl,
output-file XorDff.out,
output-list time%S2.4.0 in%B3.1.3
    xorOut%B4.1.3 dffOut%B4.1.3;

set in 1,
tick, output;
tock, output;
tick, output;
tock, output;

set in 0,
tick, output;
tock, output;
tick, output;
tock, output;

tick, output;
set in 1,
tock, output;
tick, output;
tock, output;

tick, output;
set in 0,
tock, output;
tick, output;
tock, output;

| time |  in   | xorOut | dffOut |
|  0   |   0   |    0   |    0   |

|  0+  |  (1)  |   (1)  |    0   |
|  1   |   1   |    0   |    1   |
|  1+  |   1   |    0   |    1   |
|  2   |   1   |    1   |    0   |

|  2+  |  (0)  |   (0)  |    0   |
|  3   |   0   |    0   |    0   |
|  3+  |   0   |    0   |    0   |
|  4   |   0   |    0   |    0   |

|  4+  |   0   |    0   |    0   |

|  5   |  (1)  |   (1)  |    0   |
|  5+  |   1   |    1   |    0   |
|  6   |   1   |    0   |    1   |

|  6+  |   1   |    0   |    1   |

|  7   |  (0)  |   (0)  |    0   |
|  7+  |   0   |    0   |    0   |
|  8   |   0   |    0   |    0   |
When we set an input at time t+ (tick), as we do at 0+ and 2+, this corresponds to changing the value between the clock events. The output shows the changed value of the input and any changes in combinational logic caused by the input change. (Marked with () in the output.) Since the DFF was not clocked by tick, its output does not change.

When we set an input at time t (tock), as we do at 5 and 7, this corresponds to changing the value immediately after the clock event causes the synchronous logic to update and the combinational logic to propagate. The output is shown after the combinational logic has propagated again after the input change.

XorDff Timing Diagram
Note that the down-arrow indicates the clock event.

XorDff Timing Diagram
Detail at beginning of time 7
xor-dff timing diagram detail
a)  Clock event occurs.
b)  Sequential logic updates.
c)  Combinational logic propagates — the pulse is one of those
     evil "glitches" from which synchronous design saves us.
d)  Inputs change.
e)  Combinational logic propagates.
f)  Simulator output.
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Tick, Tock, and the Built-In Sequential Parts

The built-in sequential parts — Register, ARegister, DRegister, PC, RAMxx and Screen — do not behave the same as sequential parts written in HDL using DFFs.

The test interface does not display the same value as the part's out pin.

This is only an issue in tests that output values between tick and tock, which is displayed as time "t+" in the test output.

This test output shows the difference between the test interface output and the out pin for the built-in parts.

|time|  in  | addr |load |ARegister[]|  Areg  |  PC[]  |   pc   |RAM16K[1]|  ram   |Screen[1]|  scr   |
|0+  |     0|     0|  0  |        0  |      0 |      0 |      0 |       0 |      0 |       0 |      0 |
|1   |     0|     0|  0  |        0  |      0 |      0 |      0 |       0 |      0 |       0 |      0 |
|1+  |  1111|     1|  1  |     1111  |      0 |   1111 |      0 |    1111 |      0 |    1111 |      0 |
|2   |  1111|     1|  1  |     1111  |   1111 |   1111 |   1111 |    1111 |   1111 |    1111 |   1111 |
|2+  |  1111|     1|  0  |     1111  |   1111 |   1111 |   1111 |    1111 |   1111 |    1111 |   1111 |
|3   |  1111|     1|  0  |     1111  |   1111 |   1111 |   1111 |    1111 |   1111 |    1111 |   1111 |

If you have read the post Tick, Tock, and the Hardware Simulator Output, you should recognize that the test interface output is the input to the built-in part's internal DFF.

I recommend that you ignore the displayed output value from Register, ARegister, DRegister, PC, RAMxx and Screen during time "t+".

If you are interested in the gory details, read on.

The HDL that is being tested is SeqTest.hdl
CHIP SeqTest {
    IN  in[16],
    OUT Areg[16],       // ARegister output
        Dreg[16],       // DRegister output
        pc[16],         // PC output
        ram[16],        // RAM16K output
        scr[16];        // Screen output
    ARegister(in=in, load=load, out=Areg);
    DRegister(in=in, load=load, out=Dreg);
    PC(in=in, load=load, inc=false, reset=false, out=pc);
    RAM16K(in=in, load=load, address=addr[0..13], out=ram);
    Screen(in=in, load=load, address=addr[0..12], out=scr);    
The test script is SeqTest.tst
load SeqTest.hdl,
output-file SeqTest.out,
output-list time%S0.4.0 in%D0.6.0 addr%D0.6.0 load%B2.1.2 ARegister[]%D3.6.2 Areg%D1.6.1
PC[]%D1.6.1 pc%D1.6.1 RAM16K[1]%D2.6.1 ram%D1.6.1 Screen[1]%D2.6.1 scr%D1.6.1;

tick, output; tock, output;

// tick-tock write 
set addr 1, set in 1111, set load 1,
tick, output; 
tock, output;
set load 0,
tick, output; 
tock, output;
There's more in the script that tests other aspects of the built-in parts.

(This is esoterica that would only be important if these simulated parts were real hardware...)

An unexpected thing that I found is that the DFFs in the built-in parts are implemented as master-slave flip-flops instead of edge-triggered flip-flops. The test interface is showing the value of the master FF and the out pin is showing the value of the slave FF. (I expected that the built-in parts were displaying the asynchronous inputs to their DFFs.)

|time|  in  | addr |load |ARegister[]|  Areg  |  PC[]  |   pc   |RAM16K[1]|  ram   |Screen[1]|  scr   |
|6   |     0|     1|  0  |     3333  |   3333 |   3333 |   3333 |    3333 |   3333 |    3333 |   3333 |
   Inputs changed but no TICK -- test interface does not change. I/F is not async.
|6   |  2222|     1|  1  |     3333  |   3333 |   3333 |   3333 |    3333 |   3333 |    3333 |   3333 |
   TICK -- interface changes. Master FF loaded from 'in'. 'out' does not change.
|6+  |  1111|     1|  1  |     1111  |   3333 |   1111 |   3333 |    1111 |   3333 |    1111 |   3333 |
   Inputs changed but no TOCK -- test interface does not change.
|6+  |     0|     1|  1  |     1111  |   3333 |   1111 |   3333 |    1111 |   3333 |    1111 |   3333 |
   TOCK -- interface does not change. Slave FF loaded from Master. 'out' changes.
|7   |     0|     1|  1  |     1111  |   1111 |   1111 |   1111 |    1111 |   1111 |    1111 |   1111 |

See http://www.play-hookey.com/digital/sequential/d_nand_flip-flop.html to learn about the details of a master-slave DFF.

There's also a test that explores the read functionality of the RAM* parts. If you study this test's output, you will see that the RAM's 'out' pin changes on both TICK and TOCK.
