You should be able to see the entire error message by hovering the mouse over the status bar. I find it more convenient to run the n2t tools from the command line.
To make this work, you need to add the nand2tetris/tools directory to your PATH environment variable.
[Linux example]
marka@Durnik:~$ find . -name "Hard*.sh" -print
marka@Durnik:~$ export PATH=$PATH:~/nand2tetris/tools
marka@Durnik:~$ cd nand*/proj*/01
marka@Durnik:~/nand2tetris/projects/01$ tail Xor.hdl
* out = not (a == b)
CHIP Xor {
IN a, b;
OUT out;
marka@Durnik:~/nand2tetris/projects/01$ Xor.tst
Chip Fubar is not found in the working and built in folders: load Xor.hdl
If you want to add the direectory to your permanent PATH, you need to edit ~/.profile and re-login.
I'm not a Mac user, but googling "mac add directory to path" top result look useful.