Trying to run the hardware simulator on macOS Catalina

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Trying to run the hardware simulator on macOS Catalina


I'm using macOS Catalina (v. 10.15.5). I'm following the instructions for macOS X on the nand2tetris site (by Yong Bakos). When I open the terminal window, it says:

The default interactive shell is now zsh.
To update your account to use zsh, please run `chsh -s /bin/zsh`.
For more details, please visit

I ignore this, and proceed directly to run the hardware simulator. But when I follow Yong's advice and type:


I get the following message:

-bash: /Users/zerjo54p/Desktop/nand2tetris/tools/ Permission denied

Does this have something to do with the earlier thing about "default shell is now zsh"? Any ideas what I should do? (I'm very new to this.)
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Re: Trying to run the hardware simulator on macOS Catalina

I am not familar with macOS, but with Linux. However, apparently there's a lot of similarities between "zsh" Mac's shell and Linux's bash (.sh) shell. So caveats done..

Often (if not always) if you copy a file from an unknown source (and I'm talking about Linux here) you have to change the permissions of your file (using chmod) so that you can use it..

In Linux there's an alias "ll" or you can use "ls -al" (i think) to list your files in your directory. The files will be accompanied by a series of 'r's, 'w's and 'x's for read, write, execute (grouped into three groups for 'user', 'group' and 'all' I think).

So you might have to change the permission of your file so you can use it..


Ps Just googled "permissions mac OS" and you can do it via the GUI (graphics user interface) rather than going into the "Terminal".
Pps There's also a chmod for macOS too...
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Re: Trying to run the hardware simulator on macOS Catalina

Yep, that was the issue. I was told that if you type this command into the Terminal...

chmod +x /Users/whatever username you have/Desktop/nand2tetris/tools/

...that will make the command executable.

And then for every other tool simply replace HardwareSimulator with the name of the software tool.

To invoke the tool, you then just need to enter:

/Users/whatever username you have/Desktop/nand2tetris/tools/

Thanks for the answer :)

From: Lozminda [via Nand2Tetris Questions and Answers Forum] <ml+[hidden email]>
Sent: Wednesday, July 1, 2020 11:34:51 AM
To: John Zerilli <[hidden email]>
Subject: Re: Trying to run the hardware simulator on macOS Catalina
I am not familar with macOS, but with Linux. However, apparently there's a lot of similarities between "zsh" Mac's shell and Linux's bash (.sh) shell. So caveats done..

Often (if not always) if you copy a file from an unknown source (and I'm talking about Linux here) you have to change the permissions of your file (using chmod) so that you can use it..

In Linux there's an alias "ll" or you can use "ls -al" (i think) to list your files in your directory. The files will be accompanied by a series of 'r's, 'w's and 'x's for read, write, execute (grouped into three groups for 'user', 'group' and 'all' I think).

So you might have to change the permission of your file so you can use it..

Any of this helpful at all ?


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