My typo: it should have said "Windows accepts '/' ..."
I haven't seen any other reports of '/' causing problems on Win10.
I'm using an obscure ancient beast, "Thompson Toolkit for Windows". The version I got in '95 still runs OK. Shows that nothing's really changed in Windows except for bug fixes and glitz!
Thompson Toolkit Version 4.1d for the Windows/NT operating system
Copyright 1995 Thompson Automation, Inc.
All Rights Reserved
% tecs
% cd proj*/07/mem*/bas*
% ls
BasicTest.asm BasicTest.hack BasicTest.out BasicTest.vm
BasicTest.cmp BasicTest.lst BasicTest.tst BasicTestVME.tst
% CPUEmulator BasicTest.tst
End of script - Comparison ended successfully
% mv BasicTest.asm BasicTest.asmX
% CPUEmulator BasicTest.tst
D:\TECS\projects\07\MemoryAccess\BasicTest/BasicTest.asm doesn't exist
% mv BasicTest.asmX BasicTest.asm
% cd ../..
% CPUEmulator MemoryAccess/BasicTest/BasicTest.tst
End of script - Comparison ended successfully
This example comes from a Win7/64 system. I don't have Win10 here at home. "If it ain't broke, don't fix it!"