hyeonwoo wrote
Mux16(a=Cal3, b=NCal3, sel=no, out=out1);
Or8Way(in=out1[0..7], out=Oo1); //out1[0..7] sub bus of an internal node may not be used
Using the [] syntax on internal buses is not allowed. You must create internal buses the width that you need them to be. In this case
out1 needs to be created to be 8 bits wide:
Mux16(..., out[0..7]=out1, ...);
Or8Way(in=out1, ...);
Appendix A.5.3 Buses, and
study the example to see how you can make all the internal buses you need. It also shows how you can eliminate the need for these parts:
And16(a=x, b=Nx, out=NAx); //0
And16(a=y, b=Ny, out=NAy);
And(a=out1[15], b=out1[15], out=ng);
And16(a=out1, b=out1, out=out);
Please edit your post to remove the HDL except for the lines relevant to the error.