hardware simulator tutorial (hardware-simulator.pdf)

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hardware simulator tutorial (hardware-simulator.pdf)

Jonathan Katz
"hardware s" => "hardware is"
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Re: hardware simulator tutorial (hardware-simulator.pdf)

Hi nabble.

This is a Hardware Simulator Question.
I have followed the first steps  and my screen differs from what the pdf shows me. This happends at slide 10, when loading a chip Xor.hdl(or projects, 00, Xor.hdl)

At Internal Pins I get : nota = 1 and notb = 1. The slides show the oposite: nota = 0 and notb = 0.

I have checked my boolean formulas and now I kinda got uncertain.

nasaturn ",)
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Re: hardware simulator tutorial (hardware-simulator.pdf)

Nasaturn wrote
I have followed the first steps  and my screen differs from what the pdf shows me. This happends at slide 10, when loading a chip Xor.hdl(or projects, 00, Xor.hdl)

At Internal Pins I get : nota = 1 and notb = 1. The slides show the oposite: nota = 0 and notb = 0.

I have checked my boolean formulas and now I kinda got uncertain.
Your are correct, slide 10 is in error.  So is slide 12 which shows the input and output of a Not gate to be 0.
