my nand chip always output 1!??

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my nand chip always output 1!??

i uses mac os 12
can anybody help me?
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Re: my nand chip always output 1!??

Your HDL looks correct.

Does it pass the And.tst test script?

It looks like you have changed the a and b input pins to 1, but the evaluate button (calculator) is disabled.
It's also strange that focus is on the reset button as if it had been clicked, but the input values are 1.

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Re: my nand chip always output 1!??

thank you!
i did run the script before and it shows error on the fifth line.
but just now, after i pressed the eval button as you mentioned, it works!
not just result of the eval, but the test script.

i must have missed something before. thank you so much!
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Re: my nand chip always output 1!??

The reset is unreliable. Even loading the whole test again doesn't always work correctly. I ended up restarting the whole tool after each run.
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Re: my nand chip always output 1!??

This post was updated on .
I fixed the problem. I had turned the page too early. I didn't build my NOT gate first. Still not sure why my Evaluate button is never active.

I am having the exact same problem. I try restarting the hardware simulator and restarting my computer entirely. As you can see in the screen grab that the original poster showed, when I look at the "Parts Pins" the builtin NAND is giving an output of 1 when a = 1 and b =1.

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Re: my nand chip always output 1!??

In reply to this post by cadet1620
cadet1620 wrote
It looks like you have changed the a and b input pins to 1, but the evaluate button (calculator) is disabled.
My evaluate button is always disabled. My operating system is Mac OS 10.12.5 and my Java version is 1.8.0_131 if that helps anything.