question as to indentation in hdl-files

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question as to indentation in hdl-files

Hi all,

I just started with the course and am fumbling with some beginner's questions in the general setup.

Here's one: I just wrote the Not.hdl file in Project 1, using Notepad++ on Win7. When I load the chip in the hardware simulator, the HDL view does not show the correct indentation (which Notepad++ does automatically). This does not impediment the run or the output - it's just bugging me. Any ideas on that? Haven't tried vim or gedit on my linux machine - is there any difference?

Best greetings,

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Re: question as to indentation in hdl-files

djh wrote
I just wrote the Not.hdl file in Project 1, using Notepad++ on Win7. When I load the chip in the hardware simulator, the HDL view does not show the correct indentation (which Notepad++ does automatically). This does not impediment the run or the output - it's just bugging me. Any ideas on that? Haven't tried vim or gedit on my linux machine - is there any difference?
Most likely the problem is that your editor is using tab characters for the indents. There is confusion whether tabs are every 4 columns or every 8 columns. There should be an option to change the assumed tab column width and another one to automatically replace tabs with spaces.

For Notepad++ these are under the Settings>Preferences menu in the dialog's "Language Menu/Tabs Settings" tab.

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Re: question as to indentation in hdl-files

Thanks a lot, Mark! Will try as soon as I'm on my home computer again.
