I've built Ram8 using 8 Register16, 1 DMux8Way and 1 Mux8Way16. The HDL file loads without errors and Ram8.tst runs until Time:26 and then it does nothing. The "Stop" button is active, the rest not.
Is this a consistent failure? Does it always stop here if you restart the simulator?
When I first did n2t I was copying my completed HDL into the later project directories and eventually started having problems because the RAMs' memory requirements grow exponentially, but I think it started later than RAM8.
I took a break and watched the F1 race. I started the HardwareSimulator again and it ran through without any problems. After that I completed RAM64 and RAM64.tst ran through just fine too.
the problem did reappear with RAM4K and RAM16K. Running the testscript stalled right at the start. I tried to disable the animation and this helped, testscripts ran through. "Just" PC left now...