spikey circles

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spikey circles


whatcha think? Are my circles too spikey? Mine have little dots at the top, right, bottom and left.
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Re: spikey circles

It's hard to tell because the process of capturing the screen and then rendering in it a browser introduces distortion. But my impression is that they aren't to jagged (which is the usual term that is used). Jaggies are an intrinsic part of rendering ideally smooth and continuous shapes on a raster canvas, especially on a two-color screen.
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Re: spikey circles

WBahn wrote
especially on a two-color screen.
The blending shades at the edges, help with the illusion; I forgot about that.
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Why is that limit on the radius?

Sai krishna
In reply to this post by WBahn
Why was the radius of the circle in Screen.drawCircle() told to be limited to no greater than 181? The vertical length of the screen is 256 pixels, then shouldn't it be 127 ?
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Re: Why is that limit on the radius?

Where was this limit of 181 given? I can't find it.
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Re: Why is that limit on the radius?

Sai krishna
In the coursera course material
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Re: Why is that limit on the radius?

Notice that the issue is specifically given as potentially leading to overflow. This has nothing to do with the screen size, but with the ability to do the math.

What is the largest value that r can be such that r^2 is representable as a 16-bit two's complement integer?

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Re: Why is that limit on the radius?

Sai krishna
Oh! I am dumb.
Thank you for you rhelp.