Re: Stumped when loading chip -please help
Posted by cadet1620 on
Welcome to Nand2Tetris!
Your screenshot is showing that you loaded "D:\builtInChips\Xor.hdl".
The chips in nand2tetris\tools\builtInChips are special files that get used when there is no other implementation of a chip available.
You need to load the Xor.hdl file from nand2tetris\projects\00\Xor.hdl.
Do not load the Xor.hdl file from projects\01 as shown in the tutorial slide's title.
When you start writing your own HDL, you should be writing those chips in the various nand2tetris\projects\... directories.
Be sure to write your HDL chips in the same order they are presented in Project 1: Not, And, Or, ...