the link to the software package does dot work

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the link to the software package does dot work

When I want to download the software package on "" I get the following error: File is in owner's trash

Is the same file ?

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Re: the link to the software package does dot work

This post was updated on .
I've got the same problem. The google Drive link is out of date, and I can't find the relevant zip file in Github.
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Re: the link to the software package does dot work

That's bad. I don't know anything about the github repo that jvandilen provided.

I put the latest version that I have, which is 2.6 and I downloaded it on 2019-07-07 here:

And here is the SHA1 sum of that file:


While you're at it, you may wish to try my builds of the tools. They contain several bugfixes, as well as some additions. You can find them here:

DISCLAIMER: I am in no way affiliated with this course or with the people who developed it.
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Re: the link to the software package does dot work

In reply to this post by petafunk
I've been in touch with Shimon and he has tried to fix it, but I still get the same problem. There appears to be something strange going on with Google Drive.

But I noticed something -- when you first get to the Google Drive page and the the circle is chasing itself, there is a download icon in the upper right that disappears when the circle catches itself and it reports that the file is in the owner's trash. If you click on that icon while it is there, it will download the .zip file.

Gotta love technology!
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Re: the link to the software package does dot work

In reply to this post by ivant
Your version of the software works for coursera's Project 0 at least. That's good, because another 2017 one I got on github didn't.

But now the Google Drive link seems to work again ! Thank you Shimon and WBahn.
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Re: the link to the software package does dot work

In reply to this post by jvandilen
Well, it seems other files in the course are affected. Right out of Week 1's first modules, Appendix A (Drive link) of the book and Chapter 1 of The Elements of Computing (Drive link) are missing, these being the links provided in Coursera.

Chapter 1 can be found with a link on the website and Appendix A I got by doing the "click on the download icon before it disappears" method mentioned by WBahn.

It's likely all files in the course are affected at the moment, though. I hope they manage to make it work out.
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Re: the link to the software package does dot work


This one is on the users trash too...