Another Mux4Way16 question...

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Another Mux4Way16 question...

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So I'm still getting the hang of how to debug these kind of hardware problems, and I'm stuck on the Mux4Way16...

I've seen a lot of people with the same posts, but I still don't understand what I'm doing wrong.

I wrote out the states, and got this as a chip:

[Mostly correct code removed by admin.]

But it's failing the comparison on line 7 of the test. What's the best way to work through problems like this? I'm not really sure of how to debug where things are going wrong.

Thanks in advance,

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Re: Another Mux4Way16 question...

Your overall structure is correct, but there are some problems with the inputs to the first two Mux16s.

Look at the table in Figure 1.10.  When sel[1]=0, what are the possible choices for out? What are they when sel[1]=1?

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Re: Another Mux4Way16 question...

In reply to this post by evanvlane
hi evanvlane

you posted a correct answer no doubt, i guess you need to remove it

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Re: Another Mux4Way16 question...

It's very close to correct, that is.