Can't Open project 00 files

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Can't Open project 00 files

I'm using a MacBook Air and I can't open any of the .tst or .cmp files on my mac. Is there a certain software that can open these files on the Mac? What do I do? I'm confused. Thank you.
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Re: Can't Open project 00 files

They are just text files. You need to use a text editor. I personally recommend Sublime Text on OSX.
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Re: Can't Open project 00 files

I'm having the same problem.  Is Sublime Text an app that I need to download?  I couldn't find it in the app store - only TextTastic, Dash, and SiteSnitch come up.  Would one of those work??  Thank you!
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Re: Can't Open project 00 files

In reply to this post by Brown1001
TextEdit can open these files.

But I recommend a more robust editor, such as Sublime, which you can simply google for (it is not in the Apple App Store).