I am having the same issue.
This is my code for each chip part:
CHIP Mux4Way {
IN a, b, c, d, sel[2];
OUT out;
Mux(a=a, b=b, sel=sel[0], out=pass1);
Mux(a=c, b=d, sel=sel[0], out=pass2);
Mux(a=pass1, b=pass2, sel=sel[1], out=out);
CHIP Mux4Way16 {
IN a[16], b[16], c[16], d[16], sel[2];
OUT out[16];
Mux4Way(a=a[0], b=b[0], c=c[0], d=d[0], sel=sel[0..1], out=out[0]);
Mux4Way(a=a[1], b=b[1], c=c[1], d=d[1], sel=sel, out=out[1]);
Mux4Way(a=a[2], b=b[2], c=c[2], d=d[2], sel=sel, out=out[2]);
Mux4Way(a=a[3], b=b[3], c=c[3], d=d[3], sel=sel, out=out[3]);
Mux4Way(a=a[4], b=b[4], c=c[4], d=d[4], sel=sel, out=out[4]);
Mux4Way(a=a[5], b=b[5], c=c[5], d=d[5], sel=sel, out=out[5]);
Mux4Way(a=a[6], b=b[6], c=c[6], d=d[6], sel=sel, out=out[6]);
Mux4Way(a=a[7], b=b[7], c=c[7], d=d[7], sel=sel, out=out[7]);
Mux4Way(a=a[8], b=b[8], c=c[8], d=d[8], sel=sel, out=out[8]);
Mux4Way(a=a[9], b=b[9], c=c[9], d=d[9], sel=sel, out=out[9]);
Mux4Way(a=a[10], b=b[10], c=c[10], d=d[10], sel=sel, out=out[10]);
Mux4Way(a=a[11], b=b[11], c=c[11], d=d[11], sel=sel, out=out[11]);
Mux4Way(a=a[12], b=b[12], c=c[12], d=d[12], sel=sel, out=out[12]);
Mux4Way(a=a[13], b=b[13], c=c[13], d=d[13], sel=sel, out=out[13]);
Mux4Way(a=a[14], b=b[14], c=c[14], d=d[14], sel=sel, out=out[14]);
Mux4Way(a=a[15], b=b[15], c=c[15], d=d[15], sel=sel, out=out[15]);
CHIP Mux {
IN a, b, sel;
OUT out;
//~sel AND A
Nand(a=sel, b=sel, out=notSel);
Nand(a=notSel, b=a, out=notSelNandA);
Nand(a=notSelNandA, b=notSelNandA, out=notSelAndA);
//sel AND B
Nand(a=sel, b=b, out=selNandB);
Nand(a=selNandB, b=selNandB, out=selAndB);
//~sel and A OR sel AND B
Nand(a=notSelAndA, b=notSelAndA, out=OR1);
Nand(a=selAndB, b=selAndB, out=OR2);
Nand(a=OR1, b=OR2, out=out);
I have tried this code on multiple computers and still have been getting the same error.
The Exact Error is: Mux4Way16.hdl, Line 3, Missing 'CHIP' keyword: load Myx4Wat16.hdl Is there a platform problem? Does the hardware simulator need a specific version to run? Because I have the CHIP keyword in all of the above code.