I can't open/run HardwareSimulator

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I can't open/run HardwareSimulator


I can't open/run HardwareSimulator
Friends, I downloaded JRE(java runtime environment). I took the test “java -version” and appears “java version 1.8.0_121"installed in my computer.
Also downloaded the nand2tetris software zip file, open the zip file, and then move the contents for desktop.
I followed the instructions of the http://www.nand2tetris.org/software.php.
Eu  add the location of java.exe to your PATH environment variable following the guidance of a member of the forum ybakos.
When I open the “terminal”(CMD), and type C:\Users\Raul\Desktop\nand2tetris\tools\HardwareSimulator
Nothing happens ... Can anyone help me, please? Thank you!

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Re: I can't open/run HardwareSimulator

To run, I usually just open the folder* using the GUI (instead of using the command line). Then I double click on the file HardwareSimulator.bat

*In your case, the folder can be found by navigating (via mouse) to C:\Users\Raul\Desktop\nand2tetris\tools\
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Re: I can't open/run HardwareSimulator

I understood, very simple.
You open your the file with double click using "GUI", I'm sorry, what is GUI?

Thank you very Much.
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Re: I can't open/run HardwareSimulator

GUI is "Graphical User Interface", as opposed to CMD.EXE which is a "command line interface".  Just about everything you use on Windows/Mac these days except CMD.EXE/terminal are GUI applications.

GUI comes from near the dawn of time, just after the stone age when computers all used punched cards for I/O  (I was there...)

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Re: I can't open/run HardwareSimulator

In reply to this post by rauls
There's a chance when you open the folder you won't see the file extensions. In this case it will look like you have two files called HardwareSimulator. Double click each one until you find the one that works. The one that works is the '.bat' one since you are using Windows.

Alternatively, if you want to use the command line try entering C:\Users\Raul\Desktop\nand2tetris\tools\HardwareSimulator.bat

Adding the file extension should help your computer know which of the two files to call.
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Re: I can't open/run HardwareSimulator


Actually, click on the HardwareSimulator.bat file. I paused and resumed my course. I was able to run the program after I reinstalled the windows operating system and double-clicking the HardwareSimulator.bat file.

Now I want to follow the course without interruption.

Thank you very much for your patience and an explanation!