I have searched the forum a few times, and have found no answers.
My issue is that none of the apps work. I have Windows 7 and Java 6u37 run time, and JDK installed. I have run the apps by double clicking, run as admin, and run from a command prompt. Same result everytime. Here is the error output.
Unexpected Error: Invalid index
java.lang.IndexOutOfBoundsException: Invalid index
at javax.swing.DefaultRowSorter.convertRowIndexToModel(Unknown Source)
at sun.swing.FilePane$SortableListModel.getElementAt(Unknown Source)
at javax.swing.plaf.basic.BasicListUI.updateLayoutState(Unknown Source)
at javax.swing.plaf.basic.BasicListUI.maybeUpdateLayoutState(Unknown Sou
at javax.swing.plaf.basic.BasicListUI.getCellBounds(Unknown Source)
at javax.swing.JList.getCellBounds(Unknown Source)
at javax.swing.JList.ensureIndexIsVisible(Unknown Source)
at sun.swing.FilePane.ensureIndexIsVisible(Unknown Source)
at sun.swing.FilePane.doDirectoryChanged(Unknown Source)
at sun.swing.FilePane.propertyChange(Unknown Source)
at java.beans.PropertyChangeSupport.firePropertyChange(Unknown Source)
at java.beans.PropertyChangeSupport.firePropertyChange(Unknown Source)
at java.awt.Component.firePropertyChange(Unknown Source)
at javax.swing.JFileChooser.setCurrentDirectory(Unknown Source)
at HackGUI.ControllerComponent.setWorkingDir(Unknown Source)
at SimulatorsGUI.HardwareSimulatorControllerComponent.setWorkingDir(Unkn
own Source)
at Hack.Controller.HackController.<init>(Unknown Source)
at Hack.HardwareSimulator.HardwareSimulatorController.<init>(Unknown Sou
at Hack.HardwareSimulator.HardwareSimulatorApplication.createController(
Unknown Source)
at Hack.Controller.HackApplication.<init>(Unknown Source)
at Hack.HardwareSimulator.HardwareSimulatorApplication.<init>(Unknown So
at HardwareSimulatorMain.main(Unknown Source)
Any help would be great. Thanks
I have no problem running on either of my work systems:
Windows 7 64-bit with Java version 7 update 9, and Windows XP with Java version 6 update 35.
Works OK on my home system running XP Home edition, with Java 6 update 37.
I remember a couple of posts about problems with JDK. You might try searching the forum for "JDK".
This post was updated on .
Not to be rude, that's good for you, but does not help me out here.
From the error report, it seems to be that the Java apps weren't written properly and are relying on a batch file to let them know where their dependencies are. Any chance of getting a fix, or patch?
Also, not to change the subject, but, why use Java? It's gotta be the absolute worst interpreter language next to .NET. Any chance of having the apps re-written in asm, C, or even a compiled BASIC without any dependencies? This would eliminate most of the issues. Just my 2 cents.
I really REALLY want to try this course, but the apps just seem so poorly slapped together. Again, sorry.
Mr. Ed wrote
From the error report, it seems to be that the Java apps weren't written properly and are replying on a batch file to let them know where their dependencies are. Any chance of getting a fix, or patch?
That's not what the error output is stating. Regardless, what happens when you double-click on the BAT file?
Mr. Ed wrote
Also, not to change the subject, but, why use Java?
Because it is ubiquitous, and was a productive enough choice made by the creators... likely.
Mr. Ed wrote
Any chance of having the apps re-written in asm, C, or even a compiled BASIC without any dependencies? This would eliminate most of the issues. Just my 2 cents.
Um, you do see the strange unreasonable nature of this request, right? :)
Sure, just give the toolkit creators a few hundred thousand dollars, and they'll create a version just for you. 
Mr. Ed wrote
I really REALLY want to try this course, but the apps just seem so poorly slapped together. Again, sorry.
Help us help you by letting us focus on the problem together, rather than making assumptions about to toolkit. Hundreds of folks have been using the tool suite for years without issue.
"That's not what the error output is stating. Regardless, what happens when you double-click on the BAT file? "
Same thing, java outputs "unknown source" for everything in the background and the hardware simulator flashes on the screen briefly then both windows close automatically. This happens when run from a command prompt as well as when run as an administrator. Java apps(not from this tool kit) launch normally with no errors, and Java seems to work fine in IE 9 and SeaMonkey.
I wish I could go back to XP, and I'm sure I wouldn't have this issue, but I'm stuck with Windows 7 :(
Unfortunately I'm having the same issue, I'm running Win7 with Java Version 7 Update 9
Tom, just to confirm: you're seeing the _exact_ same error output as above?
I am really excited to attempt this course. Unfortunately I am having the same issues. The CMD window appears then closes. This occurs for all batch files.
Memory 8GB
Windown 7 64bit, fresh install
Just installed the Java via the link supplied
Execute HardwareSimulator.bat from an existing open console. For example:
Start -> Run and then enter "cmd.exe"
Navigate to the tecs tools directory.
Type HardwareSimulator.bat and please report the error you see.
Note that the most likely culprit is that java is not on your machine's PATH.
I have the same issue; when I go through cmd, run, and specify Hardwaresimulator.bat a window pops up and closes immediately. no messages attached, and its the same response as if I double clicked the icon
Apologies, I misunderstood.
plugging into cmd.exe, I first got the error
"'java' is not recognized as an internal or external command, operable program or batch file"
I tried adding C:\Windows\SysWOW64 and C:\Windows\SysWOW64\java to PATH environmental variables, but that didn't work either
restarting cmd.exe after adjusting the path worked
This post was updated on .
It can be array index out of bounds exception or string index out of bounds exception
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