Modified HDL file fails to load with error message
I've included as much information in the photo as I can, but basically I can open the unmodified HDL files in the hardware simulator but I'm unable to open modified files.
Following the recommendation of other users, my modified HDL files are being saved with ANSI encoding, but that did not solve the problem.
Unfortunately the error message is cut off and it won't expand even when I maximize or fullscreen the window.
Included in the image is the location where the HDL files are being saved, which is the same location as the original directory. I simply overwrote the original HDL file.
As far as I can tell my syntax and everything else is correct. I haven't built or defined any other chips, so I'm exclusively using the primitive Nand to define my Not gate.
Your path name is so long that it is taking up all the space on the status line. Make a temporary folder nearer to the top of the directory tree and you will see the rest of the message. You are making an assumption about what you can use as constant signals.