Project 8 Sys.vm code

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Project 8 Sys.vm code

Sys.vm pushes 6 and 8 onto the stack, and then calls Class1.set to push those two onto static[0] and static[1]. Sys.vm then pushes 23 and 15 onto the stack and then calls Class2.set to push those two onto static[0] and static[1]. But doesn't that override what Class1.set pushed into those two static locations?

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Re: Project 8 Sys.vm code

Yep, it does.
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Re: Project 8 Sys.vm code

Is that the intended behavior?

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Re: Project 8 Sys.vm code

In reply to this post by stansbuj
stansbuj wrote
Sys.vm pushes 6 and 8 onto the stack, and then calls Class1.set to push those two onto static[0] and static[1]. Sys.vm then pushes 23 and 15 onto the stack and then calls Class2.set to push those two onto static[0] and static[1]. But doesn't that override what Class1.set pushed into those two static locations?

The point of this test is that static n in Class1 must use a different symbol name than static n in Class2 so that they don't get overwritten.

See figure 8.6, 3rd entry: "Xxx.j".

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Re: Project 8 Sys.vm code

So I've got four different symbols @Class1.0, @Class1.1, @Class2.0, and @Class2.1. However, when I call Class2.set 2, it replaces @Class1.1 with @Class2.0's value. This is very strange, and I can't figure out what is going on.

I think this is related: When the VM assigns memory locations, instead of [16],[17],[18],[19] like I would expect. It's assigning [16],[18],[18],[20]. with 0's in the [17] and [19] spots.
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Re: Project 8 Sys.vm code

What does Class2.set do? (specifically)

Did you verify that you are indeed generating unique symbols for the static variables at the ASM level?
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Re: Project 8 Sys.vm code

Yea, I definitely did.

Class1.set pastebin
Class2.set pastebin

Pushing two new constants and then calling Class1.set than Class1.get again after call to Class2.set and get will set the correct register for @Class1.0 [16]=6, but then it sets @Class1.1 [18]=8 which overwrites @Class2.0.

I can't for the life of me figure out why they are overlapping or why they're using only even static registers.
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Re: Project 8 Sys.vm code

The individual set functions look sane. Email me your StaticsTest.asm file and I'll take a look at it.

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Re: Project 8 Sys.vm code

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Re: Project 8 Sys.vm code

Thanks, I'm extremely puzzled by this.

I sent it.