Windows usage

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Windows usage

Rex Morgan
I have having problems using this on a windows xp machine.  I have the latest Java installed. Java ver 7 update 9.  I cannot seem to get the .bat files to really do anything.  It seems to try to launch a command prompt but then just goes away.
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Re: Windows usage

See this thread. i cant run the hardware simulator!!

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Re: Windows usage

Peter meng
In reply to this post by Rex Morgan
Same thing happenned to me. Is your problem fixed? some of my computers with 32 bit OS have no problem. but my laptop with 64 bit OS is not working.
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Re: Windows usage

Mr. Ed
It appears this software was made some time ago ( ~2005-2006 ) and the author(s) seem to have abandoned it.

I have tried to get this software suite to run, and it simply won't. I have tried running different versions of java ( 6uX), installing the JDK, changing the java run paths in the bat files, everything. It has simply been broken through the process of time and updates to Java and Windows.

In order to get this software suite to run, I believe one needs to have Windows XP installed, and Java 1.4.X, or Java 5uX installed. I would not expect this software to function on Vista/7 and Java 6uX, some users seem to get it to work, some dont.

This is to bad too. I was really looking forward to using this software. FPGA software is extremely difficult to learn and this course has so much potential. Thanks to the few users who tried to help, but the problem lies with the out-dated software. Best of luck.
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Re: Windows usage


Mr Ed
I think that you should try again.
I've run this software on windows xp and also on vista.
In my day job I use software written in the 90s and which has not been upgraded since then.
Windows is famous for maintaining backwards compatibality.
So software written in 2005 is not in any way, antiquated.
Also I know that it has had versions released since then.