New to this site and book.
Maybe a dumb question, but I cannot get the hardware simulator
up and running. the web site says that it is in the 'tools' directory of
the software suite.
I downloaded the suite, but do not see a 'tools' directory.
I see 2 hardware simulator files, 1 a batch file the other with a .sh extension.
I'm running xp.
The .sh file is for Mac's and Linux; you want to run the .bat file.
The easiest way to do this is to find the HardwareSimulator.bat file with the Explorer and right-click-and-drag it to the desktop and choose "Create Shortcuts Here" from the popup menu. Double-clicking on the shortcut should open a command window that runs the simulator.
As a refinement, you can edit the shortcut's properties so that it starts minimized so that you aren't annoyed by the command window always opening. (I put the shortcuts for the TECS tools in a folder on my desktop to reduce clutter.)